Some of the most important and exciting decorations are floral ! By using flowers, the decorated area will become magical and atmospherical. We use modern contermporary tones and we can stay rather minimalist or we can go gigantic making sure that we always stick to the theme. The theme will be in relation to the event or organisation and could be classy, bold, romantic, could make the space look smaller or simply different.
The choice of flower pots and accompanying accessories has as much importance as the flowers themselves and the chosen colour code. And the choice of using light with the floral decorations can increase the impact of the final decoration. We can come at decoration from all sorts of proffesions such as artists, decorative specialists, forists etc znf it means that we can use flowers as a base point to work with whilst using the other articic techniques as well.
In any case, we can get together to discuss these options.
Creating and applying different themes, creating big scale decorations, plant and decoration rentals and other different products.